ANOTHER SECOND POST WITHIN TWO DAYS! Don't hold your breath for it EVER happening again though! I haven't really said anything about this before, quite honestly because I have been embarrassed to, but I've been experiencing the most ridiculous unbearable extreme joint pain ALL OVER for the past three weeks... and some change. Everything that's been happening has been pointing to rheumatoid arthritis... yeah, I know, I thought for sure 'I'm only 26!!!! That's impossible!!!!!', but the doctor assured me it's in fact, very possible. I've had the roughest days ever this last week and a half- like not being able to function days, not being able to dress myself or even roll out of bed, laying there was just excruciating... the only reason I could, and did, was because I had about 1200 mg of ibuprofen coursing through my veins every four hours. I know. Overdose city, BUT I could at least move... and my heart hasn't stopped yet. I have been hoping and hoping, that that isn't what it is (blood results are still out to lunch)... but everything I have been reading about it, is EXACTLY what I'm experiencing. Still holding my breath and praying though. So- the long and short of it is, I'll keep you posted.
I wanted to post a little preview though of Nicki and Chris' wedding, just a fun little ditty...
(Can you guess where they are headed for their honeymoon? :)
I'm working my hardest and fastest... so hopefully, I'll get these knocked out soon, so we can head onto a few precious baby shoots! One of a tiny little boy, named Kameron, and then a sweet little girl who is almost a year old, named Cora! So, stay tuned!