Monday, September 6, 2010

Great expectations.

Man, things just never work out how you plan them, do they? Geesh. Koster family photos are on the verge of being done, with the Seale family following shortly thereafter. Quick (second) sneak peek-- I loved this one, the cows wanted to be part of the family photo:
(Just a fun one)

However... I will be right back... I'm grabbing a sneak peek of the Seale family as well. I know they are excited to see something :)

(I thought this was adorable of the two daughters)

Anyway, with all the work going on that I'm trying to get done, something has come up. It has been discovered that my youngest son, Greyson, who is three years old, has a heart murmur. I realize that these are pretty common, and most people grow out of them, but I'm still a mother, so of course I'm worrying! He is such a sweet boy. We've already completed an echo- which, without getting into the dramatics of it all, yielded a mass in his abdomen, although the cardiologist said his heart looks fine, and that the murmur isn't going to complicate anything, that he should grow out of it. However, she didn't like the looks of the mass they found in his abdomen, SO, she sent us for some x-rays, and those revealed that there is something, but they still can't tell what it is. Tomorrow, we will be going for a CT scan of his abdomen and chest, and hopefully some light will be shed on what it is we are dealing with, and what we need to do. 
(The Kiss and Release program. :) This lucky little painter was rescued from the perils of human automobiles by my cousin, Bryon, whose hand is holding the turtle, and we released him safely in a swampy area, near my parents house. After Greyson kissed him goodbye.)
(Said cousin Bryon, is above, second from left, with the look of terror on his face. My other cousin all the way left, Steven, my husband David, in the red shirt, and Greyson on the far right. Obviously, we photoshopped this. It's kind of becoming a tradition of ours to make fake explosion pictures...)
My baby. Walking the dirt road that my parents live on. He's a darling child. *sigh*

I shall be continuing my work now. Thanks for stopping by!

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