Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Thee long awaited Seale family post!

It's finally here! I was hoping to complete before Saturdays' wedding of Nicki (formerly Koster) and Chris Sneden- it wasn't my gig, however I was hired on to help Susan of RKS Photo Designs, by request. The photos I shot there are next on the docket for editing. BUT! Here is the Seale family!!! I felt immediately compatible with this laid back and super fun family! Other than the genders of our families are equally flipped, of course. I really appreciated that they trusted us to do our thing, and didn't complain or even hesitate to do something we suggested! I wish every single one of our clients was like that! Thanks so much for the most enjoyable (mostly short) time we had to hang out and capture your beautiful family!

Well, this post has taken quite some time, I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have.  Such a lovely family!! Now, I'm off to edit some wedding photos. Have a great night!